Speech by Minister of State for Education Ms Gan Siow Huang at the Singapore Silent Heroes Student Award at the HDB Hub Convention Centre
27th July 2024 • 4 mins read

Minister of State for Education Ms Gan Siow Huang reciting speech at the Singapore Silent Heroes Student Award at the HDB Hub Convention Centre
Mr M P Sellvem, President of the Civilians Association Singapore
Mr Alvin Chow, Chairman of the Singapore Silent Heroes Student Award
Ladies and Gentlemen
Parents, teachers and grandparents
1. I am delighted to join you here today to honour and celebrate our young Silent Heroes. I would like to share about kindness.
2. Kindness is a universal language. It is regarded as a moral virtue, valued across many cultures and communities. It is among the first lessons that parents teach to their children: That it is important to care for and be considerate to others. That we should be helpful and generous to those in need, and not expect anything in return. That kindness is a high virtue we should strive towards. I have three children, and I know that it is easier said than done. We understand that kindness is what brings people together and builds a stronger society, but to practise and nurture kindness is a journey.
3. For kindness is a lifelong lesson for all of us. Look around the world today: We have not eradicated the vices of human nature. Wars continue to rage on. Violence is used as an extreme way to push certain points of view, or to shut down different opinions. Dishonest people continue finding new ways to cheat and steal, using technology.
4. Does this mean kindness is a lesson that humanity forgets? Not necessarily. I am very hopeful looking at our 53 student Silent Heroes today.
5. I believe that inculcating kindness is like tending to a garden. Kindness starts small, with budding seeds planted by our parents and the first teachers in our lives. Kindness grows with every helpful act and selfless gesture. Kindness blossoms when we encourage others to pay it forward. If we make a constant effort to let kindness take root and bloom across our society, we can create a garden of kindness.
6. That is why I am proud of our “young gardeners” who are here today: More than 50 of you are receiving this year’s Silent Heroes Student Award, in recognition of your wonderful acts of kindness and service of others. I am sure your parents and teachers are very proud of you too. Congratulations!
7. Let me highlight some of your inspiring examples.
8. Alisha and Hans from APSN Katong School believe in being kind and respectful to others. Alisha, who is in Secondary 4, is dependable and responsible. She takes the initiative to help those in need within her ability. At home, Alisha helps her parents with housework every day, and she also looks after her younger siblings. Hans, who is in Primary 6, is caring student who never hesitates to help his teachers and classmates. Hans is also a prefect in school. He leads by example, and guides his fellow prefects to carry out their duties well.
9. Bachanna and Jun Hern from Bukit View Primary School were recognised for being good buddies who went beyond their obligations to support a classmate with ADHD. They are understanding towards their classmate’s needs, and they apply de-escalation strategies taught by the school counsellor to offer assurance and support whenever needed.
10. Sun Jiaze from Nanyang Girls’ High School has been volunteering with Beyond Social Services for one and a half years. Through a student-initiated service-learning project with Beyond Social Services, Jiaze and her teammates helped to raise $45,000 to support underprivileged children. Well done, Jiaze and team!
11.These are just some examples of students who have turned their compassion into action. Today, you will receive the “Silent Heroes” award. Despite the name, your award speaks volumes about your character and the values you uphold. Your compassion, empathy and altruism inspire us. You remind us that kindness is a lesson worth learning and re-learning.
12. To all students here today, I encourage you to continue planting seeds of kindness around you, and throughout life. Encourage others around you to choose kindness every day. Together, we can make kindness bloom in every corner of our world.
13. Thank you.
12-year-old Pratip Ovshika, a sixth-grader, takes immense pleasure in helping the elderly. He would look for ways to help the elderly and contribute to it.
Published originally from: MOE – Ministry of Education
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Recognising humanity with an award that expresses gratitude of our society for their kindness towards fellow individuals, families, community and environment. Through this award, we look forward to inspiring more to become Silent Heroes. Someday soon, everyone shall be a Silent Hero, not only in Singapore but globally.