2020 Nomination Details – Category & FAQ

16 August 2020, updated 18 October 2020 •  5 mins read


There are total of 5 awards categories for this year’s Singapore Silent Heroes 2020. They are: Hearts of Humanity, Pioneers of Promise, Outstanding AdultsInspiring Youth and Compassionate Foreigner [NEW] Please read the full criteria for each category below to qualify for the Singapore Silent Heroes Awards.

Also we have prepared FAQs which will provide direct answers of the DO’s and DONT’s in the SSH nomination.

Category details

Hearts of Humanity (Care & Disabilities)

This Award recognises either:
1) An individual who has demonstrated exemplary behaviour, dedication, commitment or service towards caring or helping others or 2) an individual with disability(ies) but has either overcome his/her adversity, achieved success in his/her personal life, or has set a good example or made a positive impact on others, the workplace or the society or environment.

Disability(ies) may include cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical, sensory or a
combination of these that impaired an individual’s everyday life activities.

Click to read full criteria

– Non-disabled individual
– Individual with disability(ies)

For a non-disabled individual:
• Contributed in a distinctive way to helping others
• Has worked with or helped disabled individual(s) for at least 2 years
• Provide one example of the work that the individual has done, or help extended to disabled persons (note: monetary contributions will not be taken into consideration)
• Provide two testimonials or references in support of the nomination

For an individual with disability(ies): 
• Has disability
• Provide an example that support how the individual has overcome adversity, achieved success or has made a positive impact
• In the case of a positive impact made on an individual, a testimonial from this individual is required
• Provide two testimonials or references in support of the nomination

Pioneers Of Promise

This Award recognises
Singapore Pioneers who have contributed to the positive social or environmental development in the country. These may include raising awareness on social or environmental causes, promoting cultural harmony, or helping disadvantaged individuals through education, lifestyle, sports or in other ways.

Click to read full criteria

– Born on or before 31 December 1949
– The nominee must have been involved with or worked on their cause for at least 2 years
– Provide an example that support the work of the Singapore Pioneer
– Provide two testimonials or references in support of the nomination

Outstanding Adult

This Award recognises
individuals who are seen as Role Models of improving oneself, doing good deeds, demonstrating selfless service, providing support and/or guidance to others, shaping characters, or simply making a difference to others or the environment.

Click to read full criteria

Between the age group of 36 and 70 as at the deadline for nomination i.e. 18th Oct 2020
– Provide an example that shows how the nominee has earned the respect of their peers, devoted themselves to sustained and selfless voluntary service, made a positive impact to the others or society, and become a role model
– Provide two testimonials or references in support of the nomination

Inspiring Youth

This Award recognises
Inspiring Young Individual who have set a good example for others. This can be in the form of outstanding achievements in sports, academic or community initiatives. These achievements must have made a significant impact to, and directly or indirectly benefitted, the community or environment.

Click to read full criteria

The nominee must not have exceeded 35 years of age as at the deadline for nomination i.e. 18th Oct 2020
– Has achieved excellence in either sports, social or community activity(ies)
– Demonstrated important qualities and traits such as leadership, empowerment,commitment, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship or community spirit
– Has made a significant and positive impact or contribution to the others or society
– Provide two testimonials or references in support of the nomination

Compassionate Foreigner (NEW)

This Award recognises
any foreigner who is working or staying in Singapore and has contributed to our nation and its people with efforts and acts of kindness to make a positive difference in individuals, groups, community or the environment, beyond his/her normal expected call of duty.

Click to read full criteria

– The effort he/she put forth is not part of routine work or official responsibilities.
– Provide an example of the work that the individual has done or help extended to any individuals, organisation, community at large.
– Provide 2 testimonials or references in support of nomination.
– Record of good stading in Singapore (ie; not convicted of any violation under any laws of Singapore or any other country.


Can I nominate more than 1 person in each category and nominate the same person in multiple categories?

Yes, you can.

Is there any age criteria for the categories?

Yes, for “Outstanding Adult”, “Inspiring Youth” and “Pioneers of Promise” categories.

Can I nominate myself?

No, self -nomination is not allowed.

Can I nominate someone who lives outside Singapore or non-Singaporean?

No, however, for “Compassionate Foreigner” category, foreigners working or residing in Singapore can be nominated.

I want to nominate someone but I'm not good at explaining the person's good deeds.

You can reach out to the nomination committee for assistance by clicking on the top right ” Contact Us” option, providing your details to contact.

Can I attach photos, links and other supporting documents for the nominee?

Yes, and we encourage you to do so.

Is there any nomination fee to be paid?

No, there is no fee or charges, absolutely FREE!

Does the award come with a cash prize?

No cash will be given to winners, however, SSH may choose to support some of the activities of the winners.

Will there be reference checks done by the nomination committee?

Yes, the committee will make the necessary reference checks.

Is the award restricted to any group of people?

No. Anyone regardless, of gender, ability, race, language, religion can be nominated.
However, age restriction applies to “Outstanding Adult”, “Inspiring Youth”, and “Pioneers of Promise” categories.

Will there be an acknowledgement for my submission?

Yes, you will receive an automated acknowledgement, once your nomination is successfully submitted.

Is nomination only via online?

Yes, however, if you really face difficulty submitting online, please reach out to nomination committee by providing your details in the “contact me” box.

When will winners be announced?

Winners will only be announced on the day of the awards ceremony.
However, shortlisted candidates may be notified earlier.

How many winners will be chosen for each category?

The judging panel will decide on winners based on merit without restriction on numbers.

Can someone who has been awarded SSH award before can be nominated for a different category?

No. let’s give others an opportunity to be awarded.

When is the last date to nominate a silent hero?

18th October 2020

Should you have any further queries,
click on below to connect with us.

Thank you for nominating in SSH 2020

We have come to the end of SSH 2020 nomination deadline.
Thank you all for your continuous support and contribution in making it happen.

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Singapore Silent Heroes

The Silent Heroes Award Presentation is an annual ceremony organised by CAS – Civilians Association (Singapore). The aim of the award is to recognise ordinary, everyday Singaporeans and permanent residents for their extraordinary humanity and compassion towards people, causes, and missions.

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Recognising humanity with an award that expresses gratitude of our society for their kindness towards fellow individuals, families, community and environment. Through this award, we look forward to inspiring more to become Silent Heroes. Someday soon, everyone shall be a Silent Hero, not only in Singapore but globally.