Aaron Yeoh – 2020 SG Silent Hero

29 November 2020  •  4 mins read


Aaron Yeoh
Hearts of Humanity Category Winner – 2020
Nominated by: –

Aaron Yeoh manages 3 social organisations. (1) Etch Empathy, (2) Fortitude Culina Pte Ltd and (3) Cycling Without Age Singapore.

Of which, Etch Empathy is a non-profit that provides skills development workshops for the visually impaired in the areas of handicrafts and culinary skills for independent living. Etch Empathy also provides community leadership training for youths, developing their community leadership skills and empowering them to create the impact needed to make the world a better place. Etch Empathy holds workshops for able bodied people to simulate disabilities for greater societal understanding, as well as workshops for blind people to learn cooking and other skills. Etch Empathy aim is to serve ASEAN vulnerable communities in achieving their aspirations. Aaron’s work involves communities, volunteers, charities and private sectors to tackle global needs such as reducing prejudices and inequality

In 2018, Aaron started a project which teaches visually impaired persons to cook. This arose when Aaron realised this need during a communal meal with some visually impaired staff. After enquiring with existing culinary schools, he realised that none were able to take the visually impaired in as trainees and hence it prompted him to start blind cooking project himself and with 2 visually impaired home cooks as trainers. This also led him to setup Fortitude Culina, a social enterprise that hires visually impaired as chefs in his cafe. He plans to expand to hire more kitchen crew from the marginalised community.

Photo Credits – Cycling Without Age SG

In the same year he also assisted in the setting up a charity, Cycling Without Age Singapore. Cycling Without Age is a global movement to reduce social isolation for seniors by bringing them out on a trishaw and facilitate inter-generational bonding by engaging youths to pilot the trishaws and engaging seniors. Aaron current sits on board this charity as board Chairman.

Aaron’s passion is to bring smiles and empower underserved communities. He loves learning new things every day from the people he serves, as well as creating opportunities in particular the visually impaired and seniors, for them to be part of Singapore’s growth story.

Profile Video

Aaron Yeoh was nominated for the “Hearts of Humanity” Category for the SSH Awards 2020. He was the selected winner and received award from Guest of Honour: Mr. Masagos Zulkifli – Minister for Social and Family Development and 2nd Minister for Healthat Shangri-La Hotel on 21st November 2020.

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Singapore Silent Heroes 2024

Other 2020 Silent Heroes

Andrew Ong – Outstanding Adult
Derek Lim – Inspiring Youth Category Winner
Mashuthoo Abdul Rahiman – Pioneers of  Promise Category Winner
Dipti Julka – Compassionate Foreigner Category Winner




Singapore Silent Heroes

The Silent Heroes Award Presentation is an annual ceremony organised by CAS – Civilians Association (Singapore). The aim of the award is to recognise ordinary, everyday Singaporeans and permanent residents for their extraordinary humanity and compassion towards people, causes, and missions.

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Recognising humanity with an award that expresses gratitude of our society for their kindness towards fellow individuals, families, community and environment. Through this award, we look forward to inspiring more to become Silent Heroes. Someday soon, everyone shall be a Silent Hero, not only in Singapore but globally.