Awards for volunteers without expecting recognition – Tamil Murusu
2 October 2023 • 4 mins read

Singapore’s ‘Silent Heroes’ 10th annual awards ceremony honors selfless people who give back without expecting recognition.

On Thursday 28 September night, 26 heroes qualified for the final round of the tenth annual Singapore ‘Silent Heroes’ Awards Ceremony presented by the Public Corporation Singapore. Image: Ravi Singaram
Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong presented the awards to outstanding philanthropists at an event organized by the Society of Citizens Singapore (CAS) on Thursday 28 September night.
A record 111 nominations were received this year. 26 contestants qualified for the finals and five winners were announced on the show.
Mr Shafiqul Islam, 40, was awarded in the ‘Dear Foreigner’ category.

Mr Shafiqul Islam, 40 (left), who received the award in the ‘Dear Foreigner’ category, and Dr Munstasir Mannan Cheladuri, head of the ‘Wandering Dervishes’ charity who appointed him. Image: Ravi Singaram
Hailing from Bangladesh, during the ‘Covid’ period, he translated the information provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Health on the Internet and disseminated it to foreign workers through social media. He also uploaded fun videos for their mental health.
He is also the manager of the ‘Wandering Dervishes’ charity, which visits the residences of foreign workers on Sundays every month and provides medical advice in their own language.

The winner of the ‘Promising Pioneer’ category was Mr Raymond Anthony Fernando, 73, and his nominee Mr Michael Bung. Mr Fernando is wearing a ‘tie’ with a photo of his beloved wife with him. He left his full-time job to care for his wife of 40 years, who suffered from arthritis and mental illness. His wife lives on in his memory and actions even after his death. Image: Ravi Singaram
Mr Raymond Anthony Fernando, 73, was selected in the ‘Promising Pioneer’ category. He was awarded for saving the life of a man who was about to commit suicide due to mental illness and revived him enough to publish his life story in a book.
In the ‘Outstanding Elder’ category, Mr Kenneth Ma, 53, who founded the Rare Diseases Society (RDS) with his wife 12 years ago, was recognized. The organization supports 180 patients and more than 700 people living with rare diseases.
Winner of the ‘Exemplary Youth’ category, Mr Toh Yu Chin, 35, has served the deaf for 13 years. Started ‘Igniters’ philanthropy arm of Singapore Association of the Deaf in 2006 and trained more than 100 volunteers.
The winner in the ‘Human Heart’ category was Thiruvathy Mary Low, 41, who was born with cerebral palsy. To make a living for himself, he started a small trolley business in 2008.
He resells and supports the elderly, underprivileged and people with special needs. He also donates his earnings to the Cerebral Alliance.
This year for the first time 19 students from 9 schools were given awards.

Awards were presented to 19 students from 9 schools. Image: Ravi Singaram

A special feature of the program was the dance of ‘Down Chinram’ by the youth from Maya Dance Theatre’s ‘TADC’ troupe. Autistic singer Mohammad Arshad Fawaz sang along. Image: Ravi Singaram
Published originally from: Tamil Murasu, in tamil (google translated)
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