Let’s Be A Nation Of Many Helping Hands
28 September 2020 • 2 mins read
Hope everyone has been keeping well.
Despite the pandemic we are facing (and braving), it has been heartening to hear of many stories of people uplifting one another in various ways – from healthcare workers putting themselves out there at the frontline to protect & save lives, to mummies coming together to make sanitisers and masks, to MINDEF/PA/SportSG/gound-up groups mobilising many to pack & distribute masks, to young kids from Scouts and Girl Guides (and many schools) penning letters and making cards to express their appreciation for healthcare workers, migrant workers and many in the service industries – truly, extraordinary acts by many in our community.
There are many more of such heroes amongst us who have been doing great things silently and faithfully (many a times, behind the scenes and not to the knowledge of many).
In the weeks ahead, we will be posting out stories of our past Singapore Silent Heroes Award winners which we hope will inspire you. May we #BeTheChangeWeWantToSee, and together,
let’s build a nation of many helping hands.
Written by Priscilla Gan,
Chairperson – SSH Committee
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SSH Student Award
Recognising humanity with an award that expresses gratitude of our society for their kindness towards fellow individuals, families, community and environment. Through this award, we look forward to inspiring more to become Silent Heroes. Someday soon, everyone shall be a Silent Hero, not only in Singapore but globally.