Share to Care – Contributing to community & enriching humanity

15 November 2020  • 4 mins read


Civilians Association (Singapore), CAS has 5 charitable causes and they are as below: 

Singapore Silent Heroes Movement
The objective of Singapore Silent Heroes Movement is to promote a more a caring and sharing society via recognizing ordinary humans with extraordinary humanity and through them inspire more to do likewise.

Youth development & Sports
Today’s Youth, who are our future leaders, need to be mentally, physically and socially strong. The CAS Youth Development Program aims to bring the youth of various backgrounds together and groom their leadership skills as well as instill the right outlook and values in life thru activities like sports, social and personal development. CAS activities foster unity, strength and create a friendly bondage amongst the youth.

Family Bonding and Unity
In a busy and stretched work environment like in Singapore, our families hardly get the opportunity to spend time with each other meaningfully. CAS aims to strengthen the bondage and unity among family members by getting them involved in activities that makes them interact with each other. Actively strengthened family bonds reinforces mutual respect within family members. This also results in family members learning to value one another especially so when we need seniors to be accepted and integrated within the family nucleus.

Assisting Deserving Single Parent Families
Single parents and their children are part of our society, and deserve inclusion and support to meet their needs, no less than any other families. CAS aims to build the confidence and social health of single parent families by providing financial and moral support. We hope to be able to engage volunteers to guide those children that could be deprived of a good pre-school education and a reasonable good living.

Seniors Care
Singapore’s elderly citizens may no longer be worrying about raising families and career advancement, but they may face difficult battles of their own. There is more to their plight than what meets the eye as along with old age comes the challenges of isolation, loneliness and depression. The planned CAS Befriender Centre would be a heavenly place for the elderly individuals to socialise and keep themselves occupied. Also, with the advancement of technology that connects people around the world together, CAS aims to build the digital skills in the elderly by conducting interactive training for them.

We rely on sponsorships and contributions to fund our activities.
We very much appreciate your kind support towards our causes.
Our sincere thanks with gratitude.

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Singapore Silent Heroes

The Silent Heroes Award Presentation is an annual ceremony organised by CAS – Civilians Association (Singapore). The aim of the award is to recognise ordinary, everyday Singaporeans and permanent residents for their extraordinary humanity and compassion towards people, causes, and missions.

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Recognising humanity with an award that expresses gratitude of our society for their kindness towards fellow individuals, families, community and environment. Through this award, we look forward to inspiring more to become Silent Heroes. Someday soon, everyone shall be a Silent Hero, not only in Singapore but globally.