Tribute to our Guardian Angels – Security Officers of Singapore

18 May 2020  • 7 mins read


With Labour MP Mr ZAINAL SAPARI and  some of the security personnel who works hard to keep us safe.

There are about 47,000 private Security Officers in Singapore complimenting our Singapore Police Force, Home Team and Singapore Armed Forces contributing to the Safety and Security of Singapore. They play a vital part in the total defence of the Singapore and are always the very first responders in any situation even before the Police, Ambulances or SCDF responders arrive, their decisions that they make in the first crucial moments matters. It can mean life and death at times when attending to incidents. They protect the properties and lives with pride and at times facing so many risks and obstacles.

If we can sleep peacefully in the middle of the night or a lady can jog in the middle of the night alone safely these officers are on patrol both day and night going around detecting any abnormalities and reporting them to the various authorities promptly for the necessary responses. Many do not know that a suspicious person or vehicle has been reported and get apprehended by authorities way before any incidents take place as security personnel had reported them promptly. Theses are the invisible silent heroes of Singapore watching the Cctvs remotely from Command Centres and helping to keep an extra pair of eyes on the ground and alerting the ground officers and at times the authorities when back ups are needed.

Every day when they go to work all these angels pray and ask for a uneventful day but at times their day can be an eventful one there are days when the security personnel is about to put the food in the mouth and a call might come that will change his day. He might not even be able to take the meal and rush to attend to the events or incidents. They quietly carry on their job without fear or favour and with Pride in their jobs. During the covid-19 And Circuit breaker periods these very essential workers lives changed. Their job duties and responsibilities had increased many folds and even risks too e.g. frontline temperature taking, screening and ensuring safe distancing and regulation are adhered too. A number of security personnel had also been tested positive in doing their jobs.

Even tough the risk are much higher, their duties had increased many fold, their salaries they are paid are not in value of their services same as before Covid-19 periods. Have you ever went up to any security personnel In a building and thanked them for doing their job and being a security personnel? Very few only a handful do that the vast majority scold and curse at them at times shouting at the top of their voices spewing vulgarities because the security Offìcer had either advised you that your vehicle is parked at the No parking zone or you have to wear the masks properly or keep safe distancing etc. These invisible silent heroes will even smile politely and carry on doing their job even at times being treated badly.

Night Shift Supervisor Noorein on the left, Supervisor Steven in the middle and Day shift Supervisor Hamid on the right.

We would like to mention a few of these security personnel:

Supervisor Hamid works the morning Shift 7am to 7pm in Residential condominium during this fasting month he takes the early morning fasting meal before 5am and sets out of his home at 5:30am to go worksite early about 6:30am to prepare for his morning shift and he knocks off at 7:00pm and breaks his fast about 7:08pm getting a small bite and some water and rushes back home to have the real break fast meal with his family about 8:30pm.

Night shift Supervisor Noorein She will leave her home at about 5:30pm to reach to work early at about 6:30pm to check on the days incidents and take over duty from Supervisor Hamid. After taking over duty at 7:08 she will take some water and dates to break her fast and continue working untill her dinner break time when she has her breakfast meal alone without any family members with her. She does the same before 5am she will have her early morning meals also alone without any family members as she is on duty.

Supervisor Steven as many of you might have known him last year as Uncle Steven whom had worked at the residential condominium and one of the residents had verbally shouted at and abused him and he handled the situation well, calmly and brought to light the abuses these personnel go through in their day to jobs.

Next Time you see a security personnel go up to him and thank him for being a security officers as it takes many sacrifices, risks being one.

Written and contributed by Gary Haris

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The Silent Heroes Award Presentation is an annual ceremony organised by CAS – Civilians Association (Singapore). The aim of the award is to recognise ordinary, everyday Singaporeans and permanent residents for their extraordinary humanity and compassion towards people, causes, and missions.


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