Silent Heroes – The estate group buy host

11 August 2020  • 4 mins read


Do you know any silent heroes? There are probably more of them than we might imagine, since they are often overlooked. When you meet them, they seem quite unexceptional. Silent Heroes are those who seek to make life better for others, out of the kindness of their own heart, to care and share their resources to bless others.

A silent hero could simply be someone who volunteers to host or coordinate group buys for their estate so that everyone can benefit from a good deal. Such acts encourage others to show appreciation and builds camaraderie among neighbours, who we normally might not even meet or talk to.

A Silent Hero takes the initiative to consolidate orders, negotiates with the seller for the best deal, checks and tallies orders and stays home to ensure everyone gets their order. Greets neighbours that come to pick up their buys, sorting out complaints and feedback.

” It’s like a business except without making any monetary gains, and that the host does it with a happy heart and willingness, being a Silent Hero to her neighbours, knowing that she has brought joy to them.”

The world depends upon the clarity and courage of silent heroes. There were many group buy hosts that came about during COVID-19’s lockdown in Singapore through whatsapp groups that gathered the neighbours in the same estate.

While it started with food, soon conversations were about many other topics like children, plants, decluttering, exercise regimes and what’s not. Before long, there were many whatsapp chat groups, one for bubble tea, one for beef, one for children, one for ordering food in an eco-friendly way.

To this day, I have met and greeted and know the names of more than 50 of my neighbours. And I would like to thank my neighbours who hosted group buys for my estate. They have filled my tummy with delicious food and my heart full. Like they say the way to a man’s heart is through his tummy.

In your own way, you can be a silent hero too. Be a greater version of yourself, by doing something that brings you joy and helps others at the same time. It could be something simple as hosting a group buy. While you do this, remembering to adhere to safe distancing measures and stay safe. Together, we will overcome as one.


Written by Rachel Lum
SSH Committee

#sgsilentheroes #singapore #2k20 #2020 #groupbuying #neighbours #host #whatitmeanstome


Singapore Silent Heroes 2025



Singapore Silent Heroes

The Silent Heroes Award Presentation is an annual ceremony organised by CAS – Civilians Association (Singapore). The aim of the award is to recognise ordinary, everyday Singaporeans and permanent residents for their extraordinary humanity and compassion towards people, causes, and missions.


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Recognising humanity with an award that expresses gratitude of our society for their kindness towards fellow individuals, families, community and environment. Through this award, we look forward to inspiring more to become Silent Heroes. Someday soon, everyone shall be a Silent Hero, not only in Singapore but globally.