Young SG doctor developed mental-health app for doctors & nurses

12 May 2020  • 5 mins read


COVID-19 has brought the topic of mental wellbeing to the forefront. While the pandemic continues to challenge health care systems worldwide, it has also provided opportunities for community based solutions catered to improving mental well-being to be introduced.

One such solution is ScrubSupport. Scrubsupport was developed by Dr Sai Luxna Srinivasan, a Singaporean, who is currently working in the National Health Service (NHS) as a Junior Doctor following her graduation from King’s College London.

ScrubSupport is an app catered to supporting the emotional & mental wellbeing of frontlines at the convenience of their phone. It aims to do this by featuring a compilation of grocery store discount codes & free online workouts by certified trainers. 

The app is meant to help all medical frontliners cope with current situation by easing their mind and health.

For those feeling overwhelmed & needing a listening ear after a difficult shift, they could request a session with a volunteer counsellor of their choice, all of whom are registered with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

As a medical professional herself, Dr Luxna is well aware of the challenges faced by her peers in the medical community. ScrubSupport is available for download on Itunes and Googleplay, completely free of charge.

Singaporeans pride themselves as responsible global citizens. Dr Luxna is one such individual. Using her ingenuity, empathy & her desire to help her fellow man, she is a true definition of a Singapore Silent Hero.

The ScrubSupport app is available in both Google & Apple App stores.
Click below to download app now


Contributed by: Dr Jennifer Chow
Edited by: Yuvan 

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Singapore Silent Heroes 2025



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The Silent Heroes Award Presentation is an annual ceremony organised by CAS – Civilians Association (Singapore). The aim of the award is to recognise ordinary, everyday Singaporeans and permanent residents for their extraordinary humanity and compassion towards people, causes, and missions.


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