Gurusamy Intrany – 2016 SG Silent Hero

28 September 2016  •  2 mins read


Gurusamy Intrany
Pioneers category Winner – 2016
Nominated by:

Mdm Gurusamy Intrany, an astrologer, age 65, had to divorce her husband in 1979. As a single parent, she had to raise her 4 children together with her mother-in- law, who was also abandoned by her very own son. Mdm. Intrany was the sole breadwinner, worked in multiple odd jobs just to support her family. In December 2004, tragedy struck as she had to undergo a major complicated bypass surgery. She underwent 3 crucial surgeries in a single day and she survived.

She talks to couples who are on the verge of divorcing and advises them as a result has saved many families from splitting. She donates to old folks homes in Singapore and in India. She visits Tai Pei Old Folks Home and Sree Narayana Mission bringing with her food and gifts. She is always seen buying food and drinks for the poor, disabled or elderly folks. At times, she even goes to the extent of giving them money for their daily needs.

Gurusamy Intrany was nominated for the Pioneers Category for the SSH Awards 2016. She was the selected winner and received award from Guest of Honour: Mr. Ong Ye KungActing Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) and Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence, at Shangri-La Hotel on  27th September 2016.

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Singapore Silent Heroes 2025

Other 2016 Silent Heroes

Josiah Ng – Youth Category Winner
Gurusamy Intrany – Pioneers Category Winner
Jeyamany Overithi – Youth Category Winner
Bringing Love to Every Single Soul – BLESS – Youth (Institutional) Category Winner
The Restroom Association Singapore – Environmental (Organisation) Category Winner



Singapore Silent Heroes

The Silent Heroes Award Presentation is an annual ceremony organised by CAS – Civilians Association (Singapore). The aim of the award is to recognise ordinary, everyday Singaporeans and permanent residents for their extraordinary humanity and compassion towards people, causes, and missions.


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