Ms Nirmala Murugaian – 2018 SG Silent Hero

28 September 2018  •  2 mins read


Ms Nirmala Murugaian
Outstanding Adult Category Winner – 2018
Nominated by:  S Devendran

Nirmala Murugaian is the founding director of Child@Street 11, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing young children of ages 2 to 6 from low-income and dysfunctional families, with subsidised education. Indeed, the fees charged by Child@Street 11 are more than 35% below the industry average. Even at these rates Child@Street 11 has organised 20 learning trips a year – most than that offered by most preschools.

“..We don’t look at whether we can afford to take the child in…
We just take in the child, so in that sense, we’re needs-blind..”
Ms. Nirmala

In the 18 years since Nirmala embarked on her mission, more than 120 children from low-income families have benefitted and many have gone on to achieve academic success. She has made it possible for these children to obtain quality preschool education in their most formative years, sometimes charging as little as just $3 per month. To cover the operating expenses of the centre, she would appeal for sponsorships from various organisations.

Profile Video

Video of Nirmala and how she dedicated her 18 years of her life and effort for a non-profit organizationg for young children with low-icome and dysfunctional families.

Ms Nirmala Murugaian was nominated for the Outstanding Adult Category for the SSH Awards 2018. She was the selected winner and received award from Guest of Honour: Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam –Deputy Prime Minister at Shangri-La Hotel on  30th September 2018.

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Singapore Silent Heroes 2025

Other 2018 Silent Heroes

Ron, Zi Kai Tan – Hearts of Humanity (Care & Disabilities) Category Winner
Ms Nirmala Murugaian – Outstanding Adult Category Winner
Yuvan Mohan – Inspiring Youth Category Winner
Mr. Tan Kok Sing – Pioneer of Promise Category Winner



Singapore Silent Heroes

The Silent Heroes Award Presentation is an annual ceremony organised by CAS – Civilians Association (Singapore). The aim of the award is to recognise ordinary, everyday Singaporeans and permanent residents for their extraordinary humanity and compassion towards people, causes, and missions.


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