Ron Tan Zi Kai – 2018 SG Silent Hero

28 September 2018  •  2 mins read


Mr. Ron Tan Zi Kai
Hearts of Humanity (Care & Disabilities) Category Winner – 2018
Nominated by: Singapore International Foundation

Ron Tan is an example of not letting personal disabilities get in the way of artistic expression. Despite having 80% hearing loss, he taught himself to play the piano, with the help of a hearing aid and even started a social enterprise – Inclusive Arts Movement (I.AM) – a talent management company to help musicians with disabilities, while pursuing his polytechnic diploma. Ron assisted his band in securing opportunities for performances.

Being in the top 10 of the Singapore International Foundation’s Young Social Entrepreneurs programme in 2013, Ron and his band have performed on various occasions such as the ASEAN Social Entrepreneurship Conference and SIF Connects!

Profile Video

Video of Ron, Zi Kai Tan of how he pushed beyond his deaf limitation and turned it into a learning journey for all disabilities to not give up in their dreams and ambitions of being a music artist.

Ron, Zi Kai Tan was nominated for the Hearts of Humanity (Care & Disabilities) Category for the SSH Awards 2018. She was the selected winner and received award from Guest of Honour: Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam –Deputy Prime Minister at Shangri-La Hotel on  30th September 2018.

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Singapore Silent Heroes 2025

Other 2018 Silent Heroes

Ron, Zi Kai Tan – Hearts of Humanity (Care & Disabilities) Category Winner
Ms Nirmala Murugaian – Outstanding Adult Category Winner
Yuvan Mohan – Inspiring Youth Category Winner
Mr. Tan Kok Sing – Pioneer of Promise Category Winner



Singapore Silent Heroes

The Silent Heroes Award Presentation is an annual ceremony organised by CAS – Civilians Association (Singapore). The aim of the award is to recognise ordinary, everyday Singaporeans and permanent residents for their extraordinary humanity and compassion towards people, causes, and missions.


2025 Singapore Silent Heroes

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Recognising humanity with an award that expresses gratitude of our society for their kindness towards fellow individuals, families, community and environment. Through this award, we look forward to inspiring more to become Silent Heroes. Someday soon, everyone shall be a Silent Hero, not only in Singapore but globally.